Keraton Yogyakarta

"Living Museum Javanese Culture Jogja King and Housing"

Kraton Sultanate Ngayogyakarta or now better known as the Sultan's Palace is the center of Javanese culture living museum in Yogyakarta. Not only the residence of the king and his family alone, Kraton also be the center of Javanese cultural development, as well as the cultural flame guard. In this place tourists can learn and see firsthand how Javanese culture continues to live and preserved. Kraton Mangkubumi built by Prince in 1755, a few months after the signing of the Treaty Giyanti. Forest was chosen as the place of establishment of the kingdom Beringin because the land between two rivers that is considered good and protected from possible flooding. Despite hundreds of years old and was destroyed by a massive earthquake in 1867, the building remained standing with the Kraton sturdy and well maintained.

Visiting the Sultan's Palace will provide valuable experience as well as impressive. Kraton at the center of an imaginary line that connects Parangtritis and Mount Merapi has 2 counter inside, the first in Tepas soldiering (front North Square) and in Tepas Tourism (Regol Keben). If the entry of military Tepas the tourists can only enter the Ward performances and Siti Hinggil and see a collection of some of the train if the entrance of the palace while Tepas Tourism then you can enter the complex and Kedhaton Sri Manganti where there are Ward Kencono the main hall of the kingdom. The distance between the first and second counter door is not far away, travelers along the road Rotowijayan enough to walk or ride a rickshaw.

There are many things that can be seen in the Sultan's Palace, from the activities of courtiers who are doing the job or see the collection of items Kraton. Collections are stored in glass boxes that are scattered in various rooms ranging from ceramics and glassware, weapons, photographs, miniatures and replicas, to various types of batik deorama its manufacturing process. In addition, tourists can also enjoy the performing arts with a different schedule each day. The show was started of puppet people, macapat, puppet show, puppet show, and dances. To enjoy art performances travelers do not need to incur additional costs. If coming on Tuesday wage, you can watch the race jemparingan or archery style Kemandhungan Mataraman in the South. Jemparingan held in connection remains palace Sri Sultan HB X The uniqueness of this jemparingan each participant is required to wear traditional Javanese and archery in a sitting position.

After enjoying the show macapat, was moved around the palace complex and enter the Batik Museum, which was inaugurated by Sri Sultan HB X in 2005. The museum collection is quite diverse ranging from a variety of batik cloth batik equipment from the HB HB VIII to X. Also in the museum is also recorded several collections of gifts from a number of entrepreneurs batik in Yogyakarta and other areas. While we were enjoying the museum's collection, we can be focused on one old well built by the lane VIII. At the top of the well that has been shut down using the aluminum screen it says that prohibit visitors put money. Intrigued with the intent of the sentence is any closer and look into the well, it turns out in the bottom of the well are coin and banknotes were scattered.

There is secure control (abdi dalem)
There is ticket info outside the Keraton
There is multilanguage (France, Japanese, China, Dutch, and English) professional guide available in the Keraton museum
There is public telephone
There is available of Karawitan perform for entertaining the tourist
Rubbish can available in certain areas
The corridor of Keraton is clean
There is souvenir shop inside Keraton
There is food and drink merchant inside the Keraton
There is sitting areas outside Keraton
There is Indonesian post locket outside the Keraton
There is no smoking area inside the Keraton
The ticket price to enter the Keraton is cheap
There is available track for disable person
Camera permission (the tourist need to pay more money to get pictures in the museum)
There is no chairs for the visitor inside the Keraton
There are less tree, and there are less of path
The interior design is not quite interesting
Less toilet for the tourist but the design of the toilet is modern and its little bit filthy
The condition outside Keraton is dirty because no rubbish can
There is no electronic guide
There is less of caution sign that inform it clearly
There is only one information desk, at outside the Keraton

 Jl. Rotowijayan 1, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55133

 +62 274 373721 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting            +62 274 373721      end_of_the_skype_highlighting

Opening Hours: 
 8:00am to 14:00pm

Admission fee:
Tepas Kaprajuritan IDR 3000
Tepas Tourism IDR 5000
Permission camera / video IDR 1000

Schedule daily show in court:
Monday – Tuesday:  Gamelan music (starting at 10.00 am)
Wednesday:  Puppet show stunning (starting at 10.00 am)
Thursday:  Dance performances (starting at 10.00 am)
Friday:  Macapat (starting at 09.00 am)
Saturday:  Shadow puppets (starting at 09.30 am)
Sunday:  Puppet People & dance performances (starting at 09.30 pm)